  • R&D

Research & Development



For over 50 years, we have helped our customers investigate and validate the technical and economic feasibility for commercial application of cutting-edge technologies.

Usually, each project begins at the stage of pre-contract works when close co-operation between a customer and SIDRABE R&D department commences.


The in-house R & D is our business strategy and an added advantage to enter the market ahead of our competitors.  The R&D scientists and engineers are in charge of carrying-out industrial applied research and development of technologies that are generally oriented toward manufacturing.  


Developing new thin film technologies, sample and small lot manufacturing, improving existing processes and evaluating new coater units are main tasks of applied research.

The R&D staff works closely with relevant company's departments (e.g. marketing, design, production, quality) to validate each project concept and ensure its compliance with performance specifications.


The R&D department is fully equipped with coaters of various sizes and applications. We can provide clean and dry working environments for various advanced experiments.  Most coaters are multifunctional and can be easy retrofitted with exchangeable coating and pre-treatment sources of various types.  The wide range of measurement and control instrumentation available at the lab can be used for coating analysis.


We use the knowledge accumulated over the years in the vacuum coating industry and the experience gained from every project as a point of reference for efficient design solutions in our new projects.

Copyright 2019 Sidrabe Vacuum, Ltd.